Thursday, February 2, 2012

Nerd Utopia

To the average Joe the building at the corner of Mendocino Avenue in Santa Rosa might as well have been a standard run-of-the-mill comic book shop. But to those who know would say otherwise. They know that the outdated brick walls surrounding Outer Planes Comics and Games are merely a veil to shroud the average passerby from the magic that waits behind the blue outlined double doors.

It doesn't seem like a small comic book shop could be a place of magic and beauty, but within the small confines awaits adventures to be had that Frodo Baggins wouldn't think twice about going on. Comics, games, adventure- these are the things that can be found in Outer Planes. All who seek refuge from work, stress, and everyday problems are welcome in this cozy comic shop.

Behind the stained-glass doors of the shop with a simple banner that reads “Outer Planes Comics and Games” on the corner of Mendocino Avenue lies everything a nerd could want. Comic books line the room by the thousands. Anything from Mad Magazine to The Incredible Spiderman can be found scattered across the brick walls of Outer Planes. Rows and rows of comics from Archie to zombies to Simpsons to Futurama to Marvel to DC line the wall as if poised to attack. Comics are placed behind comics like the jaws of a shark; teeth waiting to fill in when the row in front of it is gone. There are enough comics to replace the water in a public swimming pool if one so desired. These comics may mean nothing to the average individual, but to many they are portalsto a world where one can escape there problems, even if just for a while.

Just because Outer Planes is a comic book shop doesn't mean that it has to limit itself to just that. If the escapades of caped crusaders is not interesting there is plenty more to occupy an individual. A cylindrical pillar stands upright in the center of the building. A T.V. is placed at every ninety degree interval, making four T.V.s total. There is an X-Box a Wii and a PS2 for each T.V. If masked vigilantes aren't exciting one can always turn to Master Chief for hours and hours of fun. Even if comics might as well be picture books, video games- like Halo, Brawl, and GTA- never fail to please.

This little comic shop can offer much more than comics and video-games. Outer Planes sells a wide variety of card games. They sell everything from Yu-Gi-Oh to Magic: The Gathering. The assorted booster packs can be view beneath a glass container near the counter of Outer Planes. And every few weeks Outer Planes holds card game tournaments. On these special occasions players from all over Sonoma County come together to test their skills. When this happens the gaming tables become occupied by players from all across Sonoma county. All the noise and side conversations between the players makes the atmosphere feel like a sociable high school cafeteria. And it might as well be, because there is a SubWay so close to Outer Planes that it would be considered a short journey for an ant; delicious food is always five minutes away. For a comic shop it can be a very sociable place where people can meet others with similar interests. Outer planes is-in a nutshell- a physical version of Facebook.

Outer Planes is much more than a comic book shop. It is not just a store, gaming center, and social hub, it is a portal to another universe. Outer Planes isn't limited to the confines of the brick walls; it is the sole location that anchors the Mortal World, the Feywild, the Shadowfell, the Astral Sea, and the Elemental Chaos to our world. Every week warriors and Wizards alike meet at Outer Planes to go on dangerous quests, explore dungeons, and slay mighty beasts in the greatest game ever made: Dungeons and Dragons. Inside Outer Planes the rule book for the most expansive game ever made. Many people meet each week to battle terrible monsters. The Mortal World is in danger: monsters run amok. But there are many more heros joining the battle everyday. They go, they fight, they slay. Outer Planes really has it all.

Outer Planes Comics and Games has something for everyone. One can sail across the Astral Sea, or explore the depths of the Elemental Chaos. Save the world as Master Chief, or uncover secrets as The Arbiter. Battle for the title of greatest planeswalker, or socialize with other duelmasters. Spend time with friends, or make new ones.

-Christopher M


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